North Royalton High School
March 5, 2025
Good Luck NoRo Athletes
Many of our North Royalton High School Athletes are competing in the post-season. Click here for upcoming events.
Congratulations to Science Olympiad
The team competed at Sylvania Southview High School on February 22, 2025, against 43 other science teams in 23 different topics. The team of Jacob Mazanak and Osama Algahory placed sixth overall in Ecology. The team of Adwaith Anand and Daniel Aboumrad placed 8th in an event named Write It Do It. Best of luck in the Regional Competition on March 8, 2025.
2025 NRHS World Affairs Club/Model UN
The club attended the Spring MUN Conference hosted by Case Western Reserve University. We had two award winners who were both honored for the first time. There were 25 schools with over 600 students in attendance. Congratulations to Honorable Mention Best Delegates, UN Office on Drugs and Crime and Albert Armin (Gr. 11) and Quinn Daiker (Gr. 9) - representing New Zealand.
NRHS Theater Presents Alice in Wonderland
Come out and see our talented students March 20- March 23 as they perform on stage. Click here for more information. On Sunday, March 23, 2025, at 12:30 pm, there will be a Character Meet and Greet opportunity before the show.
Tailgate with Key Club
Key Club will be hosting a fun night of raffle baskets, March Madness squares, trivia, food, games, and more. This event is being held in honor of John Owen, a former student at NRHS, who battled Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Please click here for more details.
Order Your Yearbook
If you haven’t ordered your yearbook yet, you need to do so soon.
North Royalton Athletic Boosters Presents The 25th Annual Night at the Races
Night at the Races will be on March 22, 2025, at 6:00 pm at St. Sava Hall. Click here for more information.
NRBB Registration
Click on the link for information from NRBB for baseball and softball registration. Registration Flyer.
Course & Activity Fees
Fees have been posted in each student’s PowerSchool account. Parents can check their PowerSchool accounts for fees and pay via credit card on or send cash or checks (payable to NRHS) to the main office at the high school.
Free and Reduced-Price School Meals
Click here for information on frequently asked questions about free and reduced-price school meals.
As a District, we understand communication is critical for our students, staff, and families. We have created a plan that identifies how we will communicate, what will be communicated, and where you can expect to receive or find information. We encourage everyone to visit our website and download the District APP.
Supporting NRHS Students
It would be greatly appreciated if you would join and support our PTA and booster organizations.
Access to PowerSchool
Athletic Events
Interested in watching our athletes in action? Click here for all events at all levels.
NRHS Adds School SAFEid to Safety Protocols
NRHS has added the School SAFEid visitor management system to our safety protocols. All visitors, volunteers, vendors, and substitutes will be required to check in at one of our kiosks with a state identification card or driver's license. This will allow us to continue to reduce risks and keep our NRHS family safe.
Community Career Connections
North Royalton City Schools is interested in making connections with our community members and sharing their career expertise with our students at all grade levels. If you are interested in sharing your time and career expertise, please fill out the attached form and join our network of Community Career Connections. Your information will be kept on file and, if we get a request that is a good fit with your career, we will contact you. Thank you for making yourself available to our school district!
NoRoNation AccuWeather
Get up-to-the-minute local NRHS weather updates HERE.